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Career & Technical Education

Biomedical Science                   Computer Science                   Engineering (Aerospace and Civil)

Mission Statement

Grand Prairie ISD’s Career and Technical Education program is committed to preparing and growing our students to succeed in college and career readiness through instilling the ideals of professionalism, leadership, and service. Grand Prairie ISD provides K-12 students the opportunity to explore or enroll in CTE courses that integrate rigorous and relevant standards to changing industry demands.

GPCI scholars working on the airplane wings

A Project Lead the Way (PLTW) school: Connecting the Classroom to the World Beyond.

Our activity-, project-, and problem-based (APB) instructional design centers on hands-on, real-world activities, projects, and problems that help students understand how the knowledge and skills they develop in the classroom may be applied in everyday life.

GPCI Instructor guides scholar in working on airplane wing

The APB approach scaffolds student learning through structured activities and projects that empower students to become independent in the classroom and help them build skill sets to apply to an open-ended design problem. 

This approach provides students with unique opportunities to work collaboratively, identify problems, apply what they know, persevere through challenges, find unique solutions, and lead their own learning.

Through PLTW, students learn to adapt and excel while also discovering their potential and the opportunities available to them. This transformative learning experience comes to life in the classroom thanks to the vision and dedication of teachers and administrators.

Together, GPCI and PLTW Philosophy for Education is aligned.

We believe all students – beginning at a young age – need access to real-world, applied learning experiences that empower them to gain the skills they need to thrive in college, career, and beyond.

Through our programs, students develop in-demand, transportable skills – such as problem solving, critical and creative thinking, collaboration, and communication – that they will use both in school and for the rest of their lives, on any career path they take. As PLTW students’ progress through grades PreK-12, they are empowered to explore career paths, engage in problem solving and process thinking, develop technical knowledge and skills, and build communication skills.

We believe teachers play an immeasurable role in empowering students, and our programs provide teachers with the support and resources they need to devote more time to inspiring students. Through PLTW professional development, teachers learn to facilitate and coach and become comfortable in these roles as their students guide their own learning.

GPCI scholars working on their LEGO Robotics Project